How I wrote a Book

About a year ago, I desired to complete some more extensive project. And it was absolutely clear what knowledge I'd love to use. I realized I know a lot of "background" information when it comes to clothes, luxury, fine products or services as I love to find out as much as I can about anything eccentric or exciting.

A book was also an obvious choice. Although I planned to publish it as a physical book, I also decided to release it first as an e-book. Firstly as a test of interest and also to help me fund the printed version. But also, because the printed version deserves some beautiful photos and perhaps some other addition, therefore, there is still some work ahead of me.

Reasonably the best description of this book is the on the back of its cover.


Your Window of Opportunity to Experiencing the Lavish Lifestyle Only the 1% Know About.

When Denis Turecek uncorks a bottle of 24-year old Speyside Scotch Whiskey, or dresses in the finest cashmere Todd & Duncan has to offer, he approaches the experience with the discernment of an expert and the curiosity of a dreamer. If you're among the 1% searching for a newer, deeper appreciation of the things you love, or a dreamer wanting a taste of the lavish lifestyle, read on.

Expensive Pleasures is a collection of short stories offering an escape into the luxuries of the immeasurably wealthy, and the sublime nuances that make these items and experiences unattainable to so many.

What does it take to own a one-of-a-kind fountain pen crafted from tobacco leaves? 

How does a king, duke, or prince undergo a custom tailoring for a bespoke suit, and how is it so different from the experience offered by a local tailor?

Denis recalls these opulent experiences in a collection of short stories that are sure to pique your interest in familiar and unfamiliar subject matters alike. 

Oft enjoyed with a fine cigar by the ocean, or a glass of the finest cabernet at home, Expensive Pleasures is your window into the finer details of the finer things in life.

I reviewed in my mind all I know so far, my experiences, preferences and stories I know and which ones are worth to be mentioned. Silk underwear, Champagne, Michelin restaurants, fast cars, made to measure clothes and much more. But, unfortunately, not everything gained its place in the book. It was a tough fight, but a selection needed to be made.

I did my best to create a book in the form of short stories filled with interesting facts. Hence, whether it reads person who can afford it or dreamer who would like to try some of it someday or a person who would want to know what is behind these experiences and how they can be that expensive, everyone's interest should be caught. And the book should answer everyone's questions about these "decadent" pleasures, without boring parts.

This e-book is available on Amazon, should also be available on AppStore for iBooks in a matter of weeks, and of course, you can get it by contacting me. About the physical book, the release date was not determined yet.

I will be more than happy if you support me and treat yourself with a new book (or e-book in this case) to read, whether while travelling to work, in your free moments, on holidays or before bedtime. I strongly believe you'll find there many interesting facts and "behind the curtain" knowledge which will surprise you whether you are interested in this subject or not. Give it a shot!



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